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Enhance Intimacy and Comfort with Gerka Clinic

Experience an innovative and personalised solution in reconstructive gynaecology with CO2 laser (Gynelase) at Gerka Clinic. Our cutting-edge treatment options, including labiaplasty or reduction of the genital labia minora, offer natural and aesthetically pleasing results, promoting greater comfort and vulvar rejuvenation.

Unique and Powerful Gynaecological Laser Technology

GyneLaseâ„¢, the CO2 gynaecological laser, is a groundbreaking tool exclusively available at Gerka Clinic. Specifically designed for the female intimate area, this laser empowers us to perform aesthetic and reconstructive treatments with exceptional precision and safety. Whether it’s addressing congenital alterations of the vulva, labia majora, hymen, postpartum perineal scars, external genitalia corrections, or genital whitening, our outpatient procedures eliminate the need for invasive surgeries.

A Solution for Common Concerns

Labiaplasty is a specialised vaginal surgery aimed at reducing the size of the labia minora, resolving concerns related to increased volume, protrusion, or irregularities resulting from congenital causes, pregnancy, childbirth, or injuries. The impact of irregular labia minora size can lead to hygiene issues, discomfort, and pain during daily activities and sexual intercourse.

The Advantages of CO2 Laser Labiaplasty

At Gerka Clinic, our revolutionary CO2 laser labiaplasty offers numerous benefits compared to conventional methods. Our exclusive use of GyneLaseâ„¢ ensures a painless experience for our patients, thanks to its precision and reduced risk of bleeding during the procedure.

The advantages of CO2 laser labiaplasty include:

  • Minimal bleeding, resulting in cleaner surgery
  • Outpatient intervention under local anaesthesia and sedation
  • Reduced anesthesia requirements, leading to less pain
  • Faster recovery with minimal postoperative edema
  • Enhanced aesthetic outcome for a more natural appearance
  • Quick return to normal activities
  • Single-session procedure with preserved sensitivity in the treated area
  • Rejuvenation of the vulvar area, combined with functional recovery

Choose Gerka Clinic for CO2 Laser Labiaplasty

When it comes to gynaecological laser treatments, Gerka Clinic stands out as the leading provider in Dublin. With our state-of-the-art GyneLaseâ„¢ CO2 laser, we deliver unparalleled results and patient satisfaction. Regain your confidence and comfort with our cutting-edge labiaplasty solutions tailored to your unique needs. Experience the difference today and embrace a more fulfilling and intimate life.


Is CO2 Laser Labiaplasty a Safe Procedure?

Absolutely! CO2 Laser Labiaplasty is considered a safe and effective procedure when performed by experienced and skilled gynaecological professionals. The use of the CO2 laser ensures precise and controlled tissue removal, reducing the risk of bleeding and complications. Additionally, being an outpatient procedure performed under local anaesthesia and sedation, it further enhances safety and minimises recovery time.

How Long Does Recovery Take After CO2 Laser Labiaplasty?

The recovery period following CO2 Laser Labiaplasty is typically shorter compared to traditional surgical methods. Most patients can expect mild discomfort and swelling for a few days after the procedure. However, they can usually resume regular daily activities within a week and gradually return to more strenuous activities, including sexual intercourse, as advised by the gynaecologist. Proper post-operative care and following the doctor’s instructions will expedite the healing process.

Will CO2 Laser Labiaplasty Affect Sensitivity in the Treated Area?

No, CO2 Laser Labiaplasty aims to preserve sensitivity in the treated area. The precise nature of the CO2 laser enables the removal of excess tissue while minimising damage to nerve endings and blood vessels. As a result, patients typically experience little to no loss of sensation following the procedure. In fact, many women report improved comfort during sexual intercourse after the labiaplasty.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for CO2 Laser Labiaplasty?

CO2 Laser Labiaplasty is suitable for women who experience discomfort or self-consciousness due to enlarged or irregular labia minora. If you find that enlarged labia cause hygiene problems, discomfort during daily activities, or pain during sexual intercourse, you may be a candidate for this procedure. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified gynecological specialist to assess your individual needs and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.