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The O-Shot, also known as the Orgasm Shot, has revolutionised women’s intimate health. It employs the regenerative potential of your body’s platelets to rejuvenate your intimate area, addressing a myriad of concerns, and ultimately enhancing sexual health and confidence.

This procedure uses PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, a component of your blood that contains concentrated growth factors and healing proteins. These elements stimulate cell regeneration, increase sensitivity, improve natural lubrication, and enhance overall sexual health. The treatment involves a simple injection of PRP around the clitoris and into the upper vaginal area.

At Gerka Clinic, we use the state-of-the-art Regen PRP kit to prepare the plasma. The process starts by drawing a small amount of your blood, similar to what you’d experience during a routine blood test. We then place this blood into a centrifuge, which separates the PRP from other blood components. The PRP, now rich with regenerative growth factors, is then precisely injected into the designated areas.

This procedure is particularly beneficial for those suffering from stress urinary incontinence, decreased sensitivity, low libido, vaginal dryness, and difficulties achieving orgasm. By rejuvenating the local tissue, the O-Shot can significantly improve your intimate health and wellbeing, offering you a renewed sense of self and enhanced sexual experience.

What Does the O-Shot do?

This treatment can help in the following

-Increase vaginal lubrication

-Stronger orgasm

-Less discomfort with intercourse

-Tighter vaginal tissues

-Improved continence

-Stronger sex drive

Does the O-Shot procedure hurt?

A numbing cream is applied to the area prior to the procedure, making the process comfortable for our patients.

How long until I see the results from the O-Shot?

Some patients report immediate improvements, but typically, results develop over a few weeks following the treatment and continue to improve for several months thereafter.