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Intimate Area Fillers at Gerka Clinic

Revitalize your intimate health and confidence with Gerka Clinic’s cutting-edge intimate area fillers. Led by our experienced team, we are dedicated to offering personalized solutions that cater to the unique needs and aspirations of every individual.

Understanding Intimate Area Fillers

Intimate area fillers, like facial fillers, are injectable treatments used to restore volume, elasticity, and hydration to the vaginal region. This non-surgical treatment can rejuvenate the labial skin, improve hydration, and enhance the overall appearance of the intimate areas.


DESIRIAL® PLUS is a more elastic gel, designed for atrophic labia majora remodelling. A protection of the labia minora can be observed as one of the consequences of this aesthetic correction.

  • DESIRIAL® PLUS allows you to restore volume loss in the Labia Majora, improving patient comfort and their quality of life. Through this treatment, the volume restored to the outer lips acts as a protective barrier for the vagina.
  • 93% of women have seen an improvement or significant improvement to their quality of life, up to 12 months after treatment with DESIRIAL® PLUS.

What to Expect?

  • Consultation: Our dedicated team will assess your needs, answer any questions, and design a customized treatment plan for you.
  • Procedure: Using a fine needle, the filler will be precisely injected into the treatment area. The process is relatively pain-free, and any discomfort can be minimized using a local anesthetic.
  • Post-Treatment: The recovery period is minimal, with most patients resuming their routine activities the same day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does the treatment take?
A: Typically, the procedure lasts between 30 to 45 minutes.

Q: How long do the results last?
A: While results vary from person to person, most patients enjoy the benefits for about 12-18 months.

Q: Are there any side effects?
A: Mild swelling or bruising might occur, which typically subsides within a few days.

Q: Who is an ideal candidate?
A: Women experiencing loss of volume, elasticity, or hydration in the intimate areas, or those seeking aesthetic improvement in the region, can benefit from the treatment. However, a consultation with our specialists will determine the best approach for you.

Embrace a Revitalized You with Gerka Clinic

At Gerka Clinic, we prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Trust us to provide you with the best in intimate rejuvenation. Schedule your consultation today to explore the many ways we can enhance your intimate wellness and confidence.