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Vaginal Rejuvenation

Gerka Clinic offers a range of PRP therapies for female intimate issues.

Ageing is a journey we all share, and we understand the common concerns that may arise as time goes on. Vaginal dryness, difficulty being aroused or achieving orgasm, and a loss of sexual desire can impact our overall well-being.

Introducing Vaginal Rejuvenation with PRP Therapy

Our all-natural, painless, and non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure is designed to give your intimate area a lift, restoring vaginal and clitoral function. PRP therapy, with its rejuvenating capabilities, helps to bring back sensations you may have lost over time. Patients who have received platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for vaginal rejuvenation report the following benefits:

  • Stronger and more intense orgasms
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Improved natural lubrication

Moreover, we can perform a vaginal lift to enhance the appearance of the lips, making them look fuller and firmer. PRP treatment tightens vaginal tissue and stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Bladder Incontinence

Bladder incontinence can affect various aspects of a woman’s life, especially after childbirth or due to the natural aging process. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), where sudden pressure leads to urine leakage, is a common concern for many women.

Regain Control with PRP Therapy

Gerka Clinic’s PRP therapy provides a revolutionary approach to treating incontinence and sensitivity. By harnessing the vaginal rejuvenation properties of plasma, we help women regain control of their bladder. Through improved blood flow and increased nerve sensitivity, women experience a better ability to control their bladder, allowing them to:

  • Enjoy an active lifestyle once more
  • Regain confidence in social situations
  • Be free from embarrassing moments

The PRP Treatment Process

Our PRP therapy utilizes your body’s natural healing power – nutrient-rich plasma – to stimulate tissue growth and repair. The process is quick, non-surgical, and offers effective solutions for intimate health conditions like vaginal rejuvenation and bladder incontinence.

The treatment begins with a simple blood draw, a quick and painless step that takes only a moment. We then use a centrifuge machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of your blood. Once we have the PRP ready, we delicately inject it into the target areas, such as the clitoris and vagina.

A Personalised Experience for You

Gerka Clinic is here to cater to your individual needs. Discreet, professional, and tailor-made for your health and wellbeing, our clinics ensure a comfortable and caring environment for your journey to a bolder you.

Take the Next Step Towards Transformation

If you’re considering PRP therapy for vaginal rejuvenation or bladder incontinence, we invite you to have a private chat with our Dr E. Castaneda.